If you’re here because you’re a health and wellness entrepreneur that’s just getting started, or you’re a holistic small business owner that’s looking for easy, applicable copywriting knowledge, then you’ve come to the right place… usually.
This week though, we’re talking about something other than copywriting, business, or emails.
Stay with me, because I promise, this article is just as important for any entrepreneur as my other articles. (but alas… if the copywriting urge is too strong, go here).
Because, if there’s one thing that I've learned owning my own business: it’s that entrepreneurship seeps its way into every other avenue of your life.
When you own your own business, you know how critical your free time is (or a lack of free time, rather).
And if you’re not working on something for a client, there’s an a billion and one percent chance that there’s something you could be working on for your own biz — revamping your website, educating yourself on the latest market research, the list *actually* doesn’t end.
And while monotasking is definitely the way to go when you’re looking to produce focused, quality work — in our overstimulated world there’s going to be a time where you find yourself trying to do two or more things at once.
So, why not make one of those things something that’s contributing to your education and perspective of the world?
One of the ways I love to take in information is by listening to podcasts.
Yeah, I know. It seems like everyone and their mother are listening to podcasts nowadays.
It’s free, endless content… who wouldn’t want that?
And even better, it’s not the same type of curated content that you see plastered all over different social media platforms. The conversations that I’ve found via podcasts have directly impacted the growth of my personal self, but also my business, my spirituality, and _.
But I’m starting to run before I even know how to walk. Let’s take a zoom-out approach and look at podcasts as a whole before we get to the episodes you need in your ears.
What is a podcast?
If you’re asking that question, then I’m betting that you’re one of the 25% of Americans that don’t know what podcasts are.2
Ooof, good thing you found this blog.
In short, a podcast is like a talk radio show. It’s an audio-only program that typically is an interview-style conversation or one person talking.
Despite the fact that these audio broadcasts have been around longer than the internet itself, the term “podcasting” was coined in 2004 when Ben Hamsley combined “iPod” and “broadcasting” together to create… well… podcasts.2
What makes podcasts so special?
Okay, sooo as someone who loves to learn and listen to great conversions, when I first discovered podcasts, I was THRILLED.
At the time I was commuting an hour each way for work, so I was starting to go slightly insane listening to my same playlists of music over and over… and over.
As I started listening to more and more shows, I thought, “wow! There’s so much value in these, how are they free?!”
Not only does it not require any money to listen, podcasts are also:
Extremely accessible
In a world where we’re always trying to find new ways to do more at once, podcasts are a reallllly easy way to soak in some knowledge while you’re driving, cooking, cleaning, walking, or anything else!
They don’t require the level of attention that a book would, nor do you have to keep your eyes on it like you would with a movie or video.
With a podcast, having audio only allows you to fully absorb the information as if you were having a conversation directly with the host.
But with a twist! You’re having this conversation on the stairmaster and not face-to-face.
Full of diverse topics and conversations
Because pretty much anyone can make a podcast, there are a VAST amount of different genres, topics, and guests.
All you need is a mic & recorder, and you’re able to more easily join conversations with people that typically wouldn’t have time for a full on event or “live.”
Alright, enough going on about how great podcasts are — wanna know the ones that have really benefited my spiritual growth?
These are the top 5 podcasts that have accelerated my personal growth (in no particular order):
Ah, one of my many personal development crushes, Jay Shetty — former monk, current best-selling author and social media prodigy.
His mission is to share the knowledge he acquired as a monk globally and in a way that our mainstream, modernized world can relate to and practically implement (because if there’s no action being taken, what’s the point of the information, amirite?).
This is done through thoughtful conversations with a lot of mainstream names such as Oprah Winfrey, Will Smith, and even the late Kobe Bryant.
When you listen to a conversation between Jay and one of his guests, it actually feels like you’re in the room taking part in the conversation with them. No labels, titles, or masks, just two raw human beings, bravely and vulnerably sharing their human experiences.
I’ve listened to each of these episodes at least twice all the way through (🤷):
Adam Grant ON: How to Rethink Your Assumptions & Become More Effective at Communicating with Others
7 of My Best Time Management Habits to Help You Do and Create More in Less Time
Scooter Braun ON: Self-Forgiveness & Learning to Love Yourself Unconditionally
4 Reasons We Crave External Validation and 3 Ways to Feel Truly Seen, Heard, and Understood
Dr. Joe Dispenza ON: Unlocking the Unlimited Power of Your Mind & Healing Yourself Through Thought
Fiercely feminine, wildly witchy, and a woman who truly embodies every dimension of her human form, Sahara Rose is using her podcasting platform to host some pretttty complex and deeply personal conversations.
She started this podcast as a way to have more conversations about a wide range of topics, and oh boy, did she deliver on that.
You can listen to episodes that range from Ayurveda, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), and other ways of holistic healing to galactic beings, your life’s purpose, and so many others.
What I love most about this podcast (aside from her ability to channel messages straight from the universe itself) is the pure joy that she brings to each episode. Her personality is so playful and joyous, yet contemplative and deep.
If you’re someone that’s looking for a more community-based approach to your spiritual journey, then the Highest Self Podcast would be such a comforting addition to your morning walk or tea time.
My most recent faves are:
This show was created by Krista and Lindsey as they were nearing 30 years old and had so many unanswered questions about… well, everything pretty much.
They think of questions that almost never cross my mind and are continuously opening my perspective up
These episodes will leave you feeling inspired to begin (or continue on) your own healing journey:
This was the very first podcast I ever listened to. Like, ever.
Like a lot of people who stumble on the show, I was in a transition point in my life and in search of something “positive” to listen to.
Another thing I really enjoy is Brandon and Erica always play a new song at the end of every episode. Usually, it relates what was talked about, but not always. Sooo if you’re always looking for some more tunes, definitely check this podcast out.
Here’s a list of my most-played episodes:
“Wellness Force Radio: Where we discover the physical and emotional intelligence to live life well.”
That’s the slogan said in the intro of every episode, and it grabs my attention every time.
How often do you think about your emotional intelligence? Or — did you even know you have emotional intelligence?
This show is less “ethereal” and more grounded in the scientific background of a lot of spiritual principles. Topics range from nutrition, psychology, biohacking, mindfulness, neuroscience, and dozens more!
Here are five mind-altering episodes:
The Bottom Line:
There are over one million active podcasts online today.2
These just happen to be the ones that I’ve come across over the years, and the information that’s been resonating with me.
At the end of the day, the energy of what you consume becomes your energy. As an entrepreneur, this is even more important to realize.
Because how you spend your free time directly impacts how you show up in your business, relationships, friendships, and more.
I know there will be different podcasts out there that resonate with you. In fact, tell me on Instagram (@breanamartinagency) what they are! I’d love to give them a listen.